
  • lodi apple harvest

Apple Spotlight: Lodi

The Lodi apple is a small- to medium-sized varietal that can be round, oval, or conical in shape tapering off to a narrow base. Harvested in early summer through mid-summer, the Lodi’s surface will ripen [...]

2024-07-11T23:14:38-04:00July 5th, 2024|
  • pink lady apples

Apple Spotlight: Pink Lady

In this month’s Apple Spotlight, we will talk about the delicious Pink Lady apple. This varietal features a smooth, glossy, chewy, and thin skin showcasing a yellow-green hue offset by large patches of red [...]

2024-07-11T23:36:18-04:00April 5th, 2024|
  • green mutsu apples in produce baskets

Apple Spotlight: Mutsu

The Mutsu apple, also referred to as the Crispin apple, is a hybrid of the Golden Delicious and the Indo apple cultivars that were first grown in Japan. This medium to large green apple [...]

2024-07-11T23:38:55-04:00February 2nd, 2024|
  • yellow apples in a woven basket

Apple Spotlight: Blondee

This month, we’re shining the spotlight on the Blondee apple. A relatively new variety, Blondee apples were first discovered in Portsmouth, Ohio around 1998 by Tom and Bob McLaughlin but were not introduced into [...]

2024-07-11T23:39:23-04:00January 12th, 2024|
  • apple orchard path

What is the Sweetest Apple?

There are actually many sweet apples out there, not just one. From Fuji to Gala to Honeycrisp, we will go over the apples that have the sweetest taste. They’re great to crunch into as a [...]

2024-07-11T23:40:59-04:00December 1st, 2023|
  • multicolor red and yellow apples rolling out of a harvest basket

Apple Picking Spotlight: Jonagold

If you love Jonagold apples, you’ll love reading this week’s blog. Today we’re going to feature Jonagold apples, known for their variety of color, which can range from yellow-green and yellow to orange and [...]

2024-07-11T23:42:27-04:00October 6th, 2023|
  • Red Mcintosh Apples

Apple Spotlight: McIntosh

Did you know that we grow 35 varieties of apples in our Grand Rapids apple orchards? From sweet to tart, we have an apple for every taste preference. Certain apples, like Gala, Pink Lady, [...]

2023-08-21T10:36:41-04:00September 22nd, 2023|
