When we think of peanut butter, most of us think of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches – the classic food that takes us back to our childhood. Today, one tasty snack that has become popular is apples and peanut butter. Full of nutrients, with the fiber in apples and the protein in peanut butter, eating these together can help you feel fuller for longer. It’s also a great snack for those trying to lose weight! Keep reading to see our top five favorite ways to pair these two together.

Dip Apples into a Bowl of Peanut Butter

Some researchers and food experts recommend a Gala apple for pairing with peanut butter because of its sweetness. But also, Granny Smith and Pink Lady apples are tart varieties best for dipping peanut butter. The Empire varietal is another good choice to enjoy as a peanut butter snack. The most popular way to enjoy the snack is cutting an apple into slices and dipping them into a bowl of peanut butter. Adding a touch of honey to the peanut butter makes it a sweeter treat!

Peanut Butter and Apple Sandwich

Why not experiment with more creative ways to enjoy the combination? Add apples to your next peanut butter sandwich for an extra crunch. For an interesting twist, use a wrap instead of bread to make your sandwich.

Apple and Peanut Butter Nachos

Apple and peanut butter nachos can be made with a variety of toppings. Use sliced apples as a base and top with peanut butter and other favorite toppings. Some ideas for these add-ons include: caramel sauce, melted chocolate, granola, slivered almonds, mini marshmallows, butterscotch or peanut butter chips, raisins or other dried fruit, blueberries, candy sprinkles, and sunflower seeds.

Apple and Peanut Butter Smoothie

How about mixing a powerful workout recovery smoothie with apples, chocolate, and peanut butter? This definitely provides a wonderful treat after a workout!

Apple and Peanut Butter Breakfast Bars

If you’re on the go a lot and need a quick morning snack, try making these apple and peanut butter breakfast bars from Faithful Plateful. They are like a bowl of apple spice oatmeal in a bar form. There are many variations of this recipe on the internet – why not try a few to see which one’s your favorite!

Visit Robinette’s

Stop by Robinette’s Orchard to select the best of 35 varieties of apples for your peanut butter snack. Our expert staff will be happy to help you decide which apples to use for your recipes.